Shanshan's blog_learning design

Community Contribution for post #3

Hi Ziming,

Thanks for your post! I think your group gave a lot of thoughts on how to engage students’ learning progress in the group discussion. From my own experience, I have taken courses that involved many group discussions and group projects. In order to ensure each student in the group actually participate during the discussion and project, my instructor would add a group member rating marks to each student’s final mark. Each student need to rate their group members according to how everyone participate and contribute to group works. I think many instructors use this method when the course is designed with many group works. This may be a useful method that your group could consider to try it out.

Hi Yuqi,

Thank you for the post! I really enjoy reading it. I think provide both synchronous lessons and asynchronous lessons is a great idea. As for me, I felt like I am more concentrated when the lesson is hold lively. However, video recording with subtitles would works the best for English learners and learners with bad hearing. I think your group throughly consider in terms of providing a suitable course for all learners with different background. In addition, I think writing weekly blog is a great method that not only increase learners’ engagement, but also provide an opportunity for learners to reflect their learning process.

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